Goat Hikes at Pumpkin Vine Family Farm

Please NOTE:

Goat Hikes Will Resume Soon! (end of June beginning of July). We have some trail maintenance to do, and our goat walkers need to finish school for the summer!

Goat hikes are offered at our Farmers Market here at the farm in Somerville, Maine from May 22 – Oct 30; except for days other events are scheduled.

Interested in joining us for a goat hike but would like to see what it’s like first? Please take a moment to watch our video posted below. To learn more about the hikes including how to register please scroll below the video.

Video created by Luke Myers

How to Register for a Goat Hike

To register for one of our Goat Hike sessions head over to our “calendar page”.

Once you’re there find the date you’re available, then select the goat hiking session you’re interested in by clicking on the link provided. This  will bring up a page with additional information about our goat hikes followed by a button to initiate a registration.

Once you click that button a registration page for that time slot will pop up. Please complete this form being sure to indicate the total number in your party. It also helps us ensure a good experience by keeping group numbers low (we generally limit each party to 10 participants, but please see below if your party is larger than that). Once you’ve completed your registration you’re all set for your goat hike!

What to Expect on a Goat Hike

Our goat hike winds through the farm fields and forest edges, offering some beautiful panoramic views of the farm. The trails are only about a mile, but can take up to an hour depending on how long you want to interact with the goats, take photos, etc. Our children are the tour guides and are full of information and stories of farm life.

The trail goats are trained to walk along with us, but they are not on a lead, so you get to see their natural responses to the environment: they can get distracted by a yummy plant to nibble on then have to run to catch up. Sometime they stick right beside the hikers and want to be patted. Other times they get nervous about a new smell or a slippery surface and have to be coaxed along. Most often they remember a fun rock they like to climb on and take a detour for some play time : )

In 2022, our trail goats will be Dionysus and Bacchus, two handsome 2 year old Alpine wethers. They are well trained, but still young enough to be exuberant, and they sometimes come charging along the trail to catch up. We will also be training 2 new Nubian wethers, who are smaller and more hesitant, but absolutely adorable.

Reservations are highly recommended! We limit the number of hikers to 10 per session, so that everyone can have a chance to interact with the goats.

More than 10 in your party? We can still accommodate you. Simply find a goat hike that’s fully open and complete the registration form indicating “10” for your total number of participants. Then, send us an email at info@pumpkinvinefamilyfarm.com to share the actual total in your party and confirm we’re able to accommodate you.

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