Our Nubian Goats

Meet The Pumpkin Vine Nubian Goats
From their floppy ears to their super creamy milk, it almost impossible not to love Nubians! Although some lines can be high-strung and excessively talkative, we have selected for quieter, easygoing Nubians, that take it all in stride: they are equally happy to explore new pastures, jump on the milking stand, or – their specialty – snuggle with other goats in the barn.
As cheesemakers, Nubian milk is extra valuable to us for its higher components; and all our Nubians have fulfilled their breed promise. It has been harder, however, for us to breed consistently high-producing goats, despite the occasional star!
Starlight, our first Nubian doe pictured above, was one of those productive goats. Like most of our foundation Nubians, she was bred by Marjie Lupien of Mystique Nubians, a fellow cheesemaker who introduced us to ADGA’s performance programs and has been an invaluable resource. For many years, she let us breed back to her herd sires, and we had a string of beautiful kids, who melted all our hearts, but – heartbreakingly – were not consistently milky. As a commercial dairy, we need our does to earn their keep, and eventually we decided to invest in a buck from one of the highly productive lines at Wingwood Farm.
We bought in not one, but two milk bucks, and we are eager to see how their kids perform. It will require a little patience, but we are committed to making our Nubians more consistently productive. With Eclipse and Calista as the foundation does from our original Starlight line, we look forward to the results of our Wingwood breeding. And in 2023, we hope to bring in some Blissberry does kids to expand our gene pool! Big things await!